Are you a doula or midwife ready to move into true, authentic birth work???

A personal message from


Founder of THRIVE

If you have come to THRIVE because your family is growing, congratulations on taking this step to owning your birth! If you have come as a doula or midwife and know there is a better way to support families,  welcome and thank you for all your hard work and demanding more for women and their babies. Regardless of what brings you to THRIVE, we are about to make history.

In August 2022, I resigned my license as a Registered Midwife in Ontario after more than 10 years, so that I could support families birthing outside the system.

Over these years I have developed a passion for supporting families who are in control of their health care, make informed decisions and own their birth experiences. I can’t wait to pass on to you the tools and skills I’ve learned throughout my own journey, as I went from midwife to mother to Birth Coach/Traditional Birth Attendant. You have no idea the joy it brings me when families stand up for themselves and their health! 

My birth stories

I am not the birth worker I was when my first two children were born, and after a vasectomy reversal in June 2023, I am on a very different path for this third pregnancy and birth. It’s been amazing to “walk the talk” and really tap into my intuition and own my healthcare. This little one will join us in summer 2024.

My firstborn was born via Caesarean Section in 2016,  following a two-day 36+5 weeks gestation induction for low amniotic fluid. 

My daughter was born in 2019, after another 36+5 weeks gestation induction for the same reason. I fought for a VBAC against both midwifery and obstetric recommendations to have a repeat Caesarean after my first ordeal, and after a quick labour and vacuum delivery due to low fetal heart rate (thanks spinal/epidural), I reached down and lifted my daughter onto my chest. 

My determination and ability to advocate for myself served me well, but I see so many ways I could have perhaps changed my story, through nutritional healing, health awareness, and radical responsibility. Let me pass on these lessons to you.

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Who am I?

I originally grew up in the Niagara region of Ontario, the oldest of six kids. In 2004 I left Dalhousie university after a brief foray in Neuroscience, and started looking into midwifery. In 2008 I completed my midwifery training in the Philippines through an American-run charity-birthing clinic and school, attending more than 200 births and performing over 800 prenatal exams. In 2010 I graduated from Ryerson’s ‘International Midwifery Pre-Registration Program’, which allowed me to practice midwifery in Ontario. In August 2022, I resigned my midwifery license to become a Birth Coach/Traditional Birth Attendant. I have called Chatham, Ontario home since 2010, where I live with my welder husband, son and daughter and little one on the way. We have an urban homestead, where I love learning practical skills, growing food and preserving it.