Prenatal Education for a Fulfilling Birth
A course that will prepare you for a satisfying birth, while studying in the comfort of your own home.
This Canadian course is packed full of evidence-based content focused on the predictors of a satisfying birth, with the goal of teaching you and your support team how to make informed decisions about your health care. When you have the tools necessary to be your own advocate, regardless of the decision that has to be made, intervention offered, or complication that may arise, you’ll feel confident to position yourself at the center of your health care and own your birthing experience.
Prenatal Education for a Fulfilling Birth
Course Content
Module 1: Gaining Informed Decision-Making Skills
Module 2: Anatomy & Physiology of Birth
Module 3: Diving into the Evidence on Intervention
Module 4: Pain Management
Module 5: Doulas and “Birth Plans”
Module 6: Escalating Concerns & Providing Feedback
Prenatal Education for a Fulfilling Birth
Course FAQ
Prenatal Education for a Fulfilling Birth
Course videos belong to THRIVE Prenatal Education, and included third-party copyrighted materials are protected by law. In this course you are permitted to download session videos for your own personal use, but you should not copy, share, or use them for any other purpose without the explicit permission of THRIVE Prenatal Education.
What Others Have Said
Prenatal Education every mom to be needs!
By: Helen Martens
This Prenatal Education For A Fulfilling Birth course has been an amazing resource. I am in my third pregnancy and I have still learned so much! There is so much information that is important when it comes to informed decision making and doing what is best for you and your family. The course teaches all about consent and how to advocate for yourself during pregnancy and delivery, something I wish I had known more about with my previous pregnancies. The fact that everything is evidence based is so important to me as well. Tiffany also provides so much information about pregnancy and labour, things that every mama to be should know. I really enjoyed going through this course and I highly recommend it! Helen Martens
Evidence-based prenatal education at its best!
By: Andrea Atkinson
"The Thrive Prenatal Education course exceeded my expectations! As a health care provider, the course content enhanced my understanding of current practices and guidelines in obstetrical care. I really appreciated the strong focus on evidence-based practice and the content was well researched. Facts are clearly presented so that clients can feel more confident in making decisions that best align with their goals, values and beliefs. Clinical recommendations and research content were very easy to access as links to literature were readily accessible to review. This course will help to empower clients and their partners to know their rights and to have a voice in the birthing process. I would recommend this course to anyone expecting a baby and to all health care providers who work with pregnant women."
Worthwhile prenatal investment!
By: Vanessa Schinkel
The “Prenatal Education For A Fulfilling Birth” course that Tiffany created is unlike traditional prenatal courses, and is definitely in a league of its own. It provides women with the information essential for informed decision making and equips them to advocate for the care they choose and deserve. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it beneficial, even though I’ve had five babies already. Tiffany’s passion for educating and empowering women is evident and is so refreshing! I highly recommend Thrive Prenatal Education! Vanessa S.