Total Prenatal Prep: A guide for birthing "outside the system" in Ontario

 This Ontario-specific eCourse will teach you how to birth your baby safely, intuitively and with confidence, as well as how to grow your baby inside your womb and out, outside of the modern obstetric model.

As a former Ontario Registered Midwife (2010-2022), I’ll also guide you through a plethora of unnecessary interventions the system has to offer, so that you can be even more confident in your decisions to birth your way.  This information will also help you navigate a hospital birth should you decide to use their services as YOU DEEM necessary.

This course is for you if:

You don’t plan on surrendering your birthing authority to a doctor or midwife.

You’ve heard or experienced first hand where that train goes, and are stepping off, thank you very much.

You are newly awake to the idea that Ontario maternity care is actually hurting moms and babies

This course is designed for those who are early on in their journey of disengaging from Ontario-funded obstetric care and are working on peeling back the layers of fear and cultural indoctrination that birth is to be feared.

You believe knowledge is power and want to invest time and money in growing your birthing confidence.

This course will require you to digest a lot of information. Some is evidence-based, some is anecdotal from myself and other birth workers, all is valuable.

You want evidence-based information and intuition to guide your decisions.

The term “evidence-based” has lost it’s power over the last few years, but there is still valuable birthing information we can gain from learning what research shows us. This, paired with intuition and physiology, is the best way to equip yourself for a fulfilling birth.

You are having your first baby.

Becoming a parent for the first time can be both terrifying and exhilarating, and this course will prepare you with the skills necessary to lay a strong foundation of confident parenting. 

You are having your 8th baby.

It’s never too late to gain new skills, and if you have come away from previous births feeling unsatisfied or even traumatized, this course will empower you to write a new and empowering birth story that will change your legacy forever.

You are under the care of Registered Midwives, but just don’t plan on calling them for the birth.

This is a growing trend in Ontario as families feel that policy is trumping individualized care. You will find support here.

You are having a wild pregnancy.

Throughout the modules, I will always discuss all options for testing and diagnosis, as well as alternative options. Intuition remains a large part of the content.

You enjoy learning at your own pace, on your own time.

This course uses video and MP3 media, and includes dozens of links and references to other resources if you want to dig deeper into content not included in this course.

This course may NOT be for you if:

You are looking for a Coles notes-style ecourse or condensed materials. 

This is not that.

You want to be told what to do in labour.

The current obstetric model specializes in this, so contact your local OB if this is the sort of prenatal support you are looking for and take a PHU prenatal education course.

You are far on your journey of disengaging from Ontario-funded obstetric providers.

You may find this information too medicalized and are likely already teaching intuitive birthing in your own circles.

You know that online learning via video or MP3 isn’t for you.

This is a 100% virtual, self-paced course. 

Only $99 Canadian!!

Course Content

Informed Decision Making to Avoid Birth Trauma

Nutrition for the Childbearing Year

Anatomy & Physiology of Birth

Evidence on Intervention

Labour Coping Mechanisms

Newborn Care


Sample Content

**I recommend women and families start this course as soon as they find out they are pregnant to optimize the content**

Investment Includes:

  • Lifetime access to the “Total Prenatal Prep” eCourse, with over 6 hours of content broken into 7 modules (11 lessons)  that you can watch on your own time, at your own pace. Includes video and MP3 format, slideshow pdfs and additional resources relevant to each module.
  • 26 EXCLUSIVE THRIVE-designed pdf resources on topics such as birth registration, common pregnancy discomforts and solutions, information on the various tests/screens offered in Ontario when pregnant, as well as my thorough 10-page postpartum preparation resource.

Only $99 Canadian

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Course videos belong to THRIVE Prenatal Education, and included third-party copyrighted materials are protected by law. In this course you are permitted to download session videos for your own personal use, but you should not copy, share, or use them for any other purpose without the explicit permission of THRIVE Prenatal Education.